• Coordinate, manage and execute TK/TLU/TEK interviews,
• Coordinate, manage and execute field/site visits,
• Complete interim/final reporting,
• Complete technical report reviews,
• Manage any project needs identified during the project consultation phase, including:
• Coordinate and plan traditional ceremonies,
• Facilitate project information sessions in the community to help explain various discipline processes and methodologies,
• Coordinate and manage Elder site visits, and
• Coordinate and manage traditional/cultural monitor programs.
• Maintain a database of resumes/proposals specific to our industry client’s needs and requirements, and
• Liaise between an Indigenous company/individual and relevant industry companies to manage expectations, on both sides, and ensure that the services are delivered as contracted.
• Provide direction as to what type of partnership is appropriate for an Indigenous communities/company’s specific needs,
• Vet potential partners,
• Develop relationships with potential partners,
• Work with an Indigenous community/company to establish the partnership,
• Work with an Indigenous community/company to negotiate agreements and ensure that all agreement requirements are in place,
• And work to amend agreement requirements if/when necessary,
• Liaise between the partners, to maintain a good working relationship,
• Work with an Indigenous community/company to promote revenue growth and profitability for the partnership company/companies,
• Manage the partnership company/companies,
• Execute the business strategy of the partnership company/companies,
• Execute any non-financial aspects of the partnership company/companies, and
• Work with an Indigenous community to ensure that the mandates of the partnership company/companies are adhered to.
• Assess the capacity of a company/individual and determine any capacity gaps that may need to be filled,
• Develop training to fill capacity gaps, such as:
• In field training with the scientist, professional, contractor and/or discipline expert,
• Develop, plan and provide material (i.e. traditional knowledge interview and field guidelines, identification booklets, water sampling guidelines, etc.),
• Develop, plan, manage and deliver seminars. Depending on the complexity of the issue and funding available the duration of these seminars can range from a few hours to several weeks in length,
• Plan, manage and deliver formalized training programs.
• Develop specific task-based tools (i.e. field worksheets that can easily be filled in while completing certain tasks, checklists of the tasks that are to be completed, etc.), and
• Ensure that safety program requirements and training are in place and understood.
• On The Water Consulting can step in to manage projects or programs, or portions of projects and programs, in areas where our experience is relevant to our client’s project needs,
• Build capacity within an Indigenous community in project/program management where On The Water Consulting’s experience fills capacity gaps within a community’s current workforce.
• Orientations and training,
• Project/field manual development and oversight,
• Communications planning,
• Scheduling and coordination of pre-field meetings,
• Scheduling and monitoring of fieldwork,
• Management of field reporting,
• Associated document quality review,
• Technical report review, and
• Development/submission of various regulatory deliverables.
• Assist with regulatory permitting and procedures,
• Complete desktop site data reporting,
• Complete desktop overviews/Statements of Justification,
• Complete Historical Resource Impact Assessments,
• Complete Historical Resource Construction Monitoring,
• Complete Historical Resource Post Impact Assessments,
• Complete Site Mitigation,
• Deliver all necessary regulatory interim and final reporting, including making recommendations to government and regulatory bodies, and
• Undertake technical report reviews.